Los Angeles exhibit / Survivors of the Dog Meat Trade
Join me in Los Angeles for the launch of my new series!
Advocating for Turkey's dogs
I was interviewed for ArtDog Istanbul, a contemporary art magazine, after things got really scary for Turkish stray dogs…
7 reasons you shouldn't buy a Frenchie
I compiled information and studies which highlight the severe health and ethical concerns surrounding the breeding of flat-faced dogs including Frenchies, English Bulldogs, Pugs and more.
Dennys and his dog Rocky. Ecuador, 2022.
The touching story of Dennys and his dog Rocky, who live in a rural hamlet in Ecuador. Captured during a spay/neuter clinic.
A look back at my 2018 exhibit / book launch
Back in 2018, after a successful Kickstarter campaign and the help of Lantern Books, I was able to publish a large coffee table book of my Pit Bull Flower Power project so far. To celebrate the project, and all the people who had made it possible, I decided to design my largest exhibit to date. The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn welcomed the project.